Top-5 Digital Marketing Tools that Will Make Your Life Easier (and more fun)


For the third month in a row, Marketing became the most used tag at

Are you a Startup Founder, a highly trained AI marketing specialist, or leading a Facebook page for a 3-people company with daily morning inspiration posts? All of these are united by one thing: Marketing.

Traditional vs Digital Marketing

In the old times, carefully planned and budgeted campaigns were reaching customers through outside banners, TV commercials and newspaper ads. Communication with the customers was quite one-sided. As a marketer, you could only sit and wait, after investing a large sum of money into one campaign based on predictions, hoping the result would pay off.

Fast-forwarding to our over-digitalized age, marketing is now powered by technologies allowing measuring any small movement, testing assumptions and getting instant feedback from the users. Social networks created personal touch points not only among people, but also between companies and users.

Even if you have nothing to do with marketing, you still notice its influence on your life. A restaurant that you talked about with your friend yesterday suddenly appeared as a sponsored post in your Instagram feed. Those cold emails you have been getting are not that cold anymore if the sender was analyzing your Twitter, LinkedIn, Instagram or Facebook content beforehand to find relevant information.

It might be slightly creepy, knowing you’ve been targeted precisely. However, at the same time, you would be getting tons of ads anyways, so might as well get something you might like. Love it or hate it, digital marketing has revolutionized the way we lead businesses, buy, sell and live.

The Top 5 Favorite Tools

As a startup founder and a part of Seats2meet Marketing Team, I’ve been using various marketing tools all along. Having learned that Marketing is trendy among Seats2meet users, I decided to share a list of my favorite digital tools that make my life a bit easier and fun.

Hotjar and Usability Hub

Creating a website is a process that requires a lot of creativity and… an ability to look at your newly created project with your customers’ eyes. You can ask your friends to take a look and tell you what they think. But friends might be biased. You can also approach random people in coffee shops and collect a sample of opinions. However, approaching strangers might be stressful, and to get opinions of people from different countries would require traveling quite a lot.

Thanks to two great tools – Hotjar and Usability Hub, you can get feedback fast, cheap and efficiently. Hotjar is a tool that allows you to watch a video recording of user’s behavior on your website. It might be heartbreaking to see people skipping through large blocks of text you’ve spent the whole night writing…but it’s better to know sooner than later.

Usability Hub is a testing platform that allows you to get users feedback on a variety of things. 5-second test, click test, preference test, navigation test and a question test will allow you to not screw up and improve your UX based on real opinions without letting your real customers see it first.

Not into marketing? You can also earn money by testing websites and products on Usability Hub.


Have you been sending cold emails, and yet do not get any answers? Research shows that the more follow-ups you send, the more chances there are that you will get a response.

Rebump is a tool that automates follow-up emails and allows annoying endlessly your potential customers without your personal involvement. Note that this implies that your initial email was both worth reading, and worth replying to :)

Crystal Knows

Crystal Knows is my personally favorite Chrome extension that analyses LinkedIn profiles based on DISC (Dominance-Influence-Conscientiousness-Steadiness) personality classifier. Are you going to an interview with someone you have never met, or about to send out a cold email? This creepily precise extension will give you a great advice on how to better approach this person, and how to write him an effective email. I tried it on some colleagues, friends, and also on myself…and it left me very surprised and wanting to delete all the information about myself that has ever existed on the Internet :)


Biteable is an easy-to-use tool for creating videos and animations. Don’t have any graphic design and video-making knowledge? Biteable is one of the easiest video makers for creating animated video ads, explainer videos, infographics, premade templates and animations.

Do you have any other tools you want to share? Feel free to reach out to to share your articles!


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