The virtual world – Orchestrated possibilities


Welcome to a new reality and the possibility of your world colliding, shifting, changing and evolving forever.

Just a few days into this new reality, we find that we are social creatures after all. Our laptops, mobile devices and tablets give us an insight into the world outside. These online tools help us to communicate, share emotions, transfer ideas and stay connected to people who are important to us.

In this time of rapid change and total turn-around of everything as we knew, this time 30 days ago, we have quickly adapted our behavior. Scientists have found out that change of behavior varies from person to person. Further, depending on the circumstances, you will either adapt or die. In general terms, the time frame for human behavior to adapt and develop new habits is 66 days. Take that into account and you will realise that your adaptation, required in just 21 days is a radical and massive transformative expectation.

In the current circumstances you have been given 21 days to adapt. From the most basic of your human behavior to the most complex. You have been directed to adapt your behavior. You have been legislated to adapt your behavior. For your own good you are forced to adapt your behavior.

The great news, is that some things that we are asked to adapt to, can bring a great benefit to us both now and in the future. For example, never before has the phenomenal benefit of online tools been appreciated as much. Everything from auditory, to visual, to virtual experiences have taken on a new meaning. We have learnt to appreciate music in a different way, embracing technology that permits us to feel as if we are surrounded be a real orchestra with real musicians.

This leads to understanding how we need to interact appropriately when we use technology, in solitude or in unison. In solitude, we can use technology as it suits us, switching between apps, messages, voice, video or entertainment channels.

In unison, it becomes more challenging, but it is possible if all the players in the room understand their roles, their functions, their contribution and the outcome.

So let’s start:

Imagine you are an orchestra, online – how do you go about creating a successful rendition of Beethoven’s Ode to Joy?


  • You prepare with a conductor before-hand. In this preparation you all agree that you are going to play from the same song sheet – in this case Ode to Joy.  You already know your role in the orchestra, since you have played together before. You agree to stick to your piece of music, playing your instrument of accomplishment.
  • As the violinist, you commit to understand the role of all the other players in the orchestra and that you will follow the music accordingly. Then you practice your part for the preparation session to follow.
  • The conductor then advises you of the date and time for the preparation session. You ensure that you are ready for the session so that you don’t disappoint any-one and you look professional, after all music is your life and your profession.
  • You all turn up for the preparation session, the internet connection is established, your instrument is tuned, you found a quiet place where no one will disturb you (who want’s a barking dog during Ode to Joy!). Your music is ready on the music stand. Your camera is focused on you and no distracting features can be seen by anyone else viewing.
  • You watch for the right moment for the conductor to indicate that the music is about to begin.
  • You focus on the conductor while maintaining the pace, volume and direction on your music sheet. Everyone else does this too. No-one plays too loudly, overwhelming others. You ensure that your piece is interpreted perfectly. You listen to the rest of the orchestra and you check your own contribution to the quality of the music throughout. It is working so beautifully that you begin to sway to the rhythm. Who would have thought that this could work out so seamlessly on-line! The obo, cello, first violin, second violin, bass, flute, clarinet, trumpet and drums all in perfect harmony.
  • You reach crescendos in the correct places, you calm the pace in the right phrases, you are not out of tune, not even once. Your singular presence in the room has created beautiful harmony with others. The music reaches its final closure. You quietly lay down you instrument and turn-off your camera.
  • You have achieved entertaining others, without jarring notes, loud clangs or displeasing harmony – you are a professional. Well done.


This was really achieved – watch here: but first, consider adopting similar rules when being a ZOOM user:


  • Be properly prepared, know the date, time and link. Appear punctually, even 5 minutes before if the host has enabled this feature
  • When you enter the Zoom room, ensure that you microphone is on mute
  • Use the chat feature to say hello to others who have entered the room – you can chat to one or all in the room, you choose
  • Wait for the host to start the conversation and lead the topics.
  • Use the hand raise feature if you wish to make a comment
  • It is better to ask your questions via the chat feature – use that
  • Let the host lead you into a discussion and give you a turn to speak
  • When it is your turn to speak, be concise, to the point and maintain the relevance to the purpose of the meeting
  • Let the Host guide the topics for the meeting. After all, this is good manners
  • If you wish to add points to the agenda, make it brief and make it relevant
  • Not all topics can be accommodated – be aware of this and add it to the agenda for the next time
  • Focus on the purpose of the meeting – it can go all over the place if we share our wine choices or our venue surroundings
  • Be focused, make a positive contribution, check if you are adding value
  • Before the end of the meeting, the host will invite all participants to comment. Keep it short.
  • Once the host has summarized the meeting, the actions to follow up and the accountable parties to do so, the meeting ends.
  • Say goodbye using the chat feature.
  • Log off.


Enjoy the video!   

Lyn Render
Managing Partner
C: 072 247 0860