Sharing content as a digital knowmad in times of uncertainty


In light of what is going on around us, it’s the perfect time to offer support, inspire and encourage, and create more opportunities by collaborating and building genuine online communities.

The Coronavirus has forced us to think about the way we live, work, and communicate. It’s become clear that we need to be a lot more intentional, adaptable, and tech-savvy (for example, many people had never heard of Zoom before the outbreak). 

And this goes for content, too. Being more transparent, showing empathy, and providing value is more important than ever before.

The way we consume content has shifted

Gone are the days of mindlessly slapping together a few words or downloading so-so images and calling that content. We’re bombarded with digital clutter everywhere we turn and attention spans have shortened considerably over the last few years. 

One thing that hasn’t changed much?

Authentic connection.

At the heart of content consumption, people still crave connection – a human element to the words we write and the images we capture or design.

To put it simply, if we want our content to create the right impact, it needs to engage and genuinely resonate.

Sharing content as a digital knowmad

One of the most significant developments in the future of work is the rise in knowmads (another word for self-employed professionals). In Amsterdam, around 15% of the labour population is knowmadic, and in the USA, these figures are even higher.

John Moravec, who wrote the book Education Futures, explains the meaning perfectly:

“A Knowmad is a nomadic knowledge worker – that is, a creative, imaginative, and innovative person who can work with almost anybody, anytime, and anywhere. Technologies allow for these new paradigm workers to work either at a specific place, virtually or any blended combination. Knowmads can instantly reconfigure and recontextualize their work environments, and greater mobility is creating new opportunities.” 

Sharing of knowledge (social capital) comes naturally to knowmads. 

We’re constantly exploring, engaging, creating, and improving. We stay up to date with the latest digital trends, we’re extremely active within our social media communities, and we’re continuously building networks and seeking out new opportunities.

So how do we create impactful, relevant content in a time of uncertainty?

Simple. We start by engaging and asking the right questions.

Finding relevant topics

Digital knowmads are great at collaborating.

As co-owner of Seats2Meet, Ronald van den Hoff puts it in his book, Society 3.0, “They acknowledge and respect the professionalism of others, and seek out each other’s complementary competencies and talents.” 

Collaborating is the action of working with someone to generate something. This could be as simple as writing an article, or as complex as building a business together.

When we collaborate, we create inclusivity and allow people to be part of something bigger than ourselves. By asking the right questions and getting honest feedback, we can quickly learn what content people need right now.

Two of the best ways to collaborate and collect information is through polls and surveys. 

  • You can easily set up a poll on Instagram, Twitter, or Facebook. Ask a question to get a better understanding of what people in your network want to engage with. What would be most helpful to them in terms of offering support, education, or inspiration?
  • Another idea is to create a Google survey, which is great to use if you have more than one question. Keep questions short and to the point. You can share your form on social media or send it via email.

How to share content with empathy

After getting feedback from your poll or survey research, it’s time to create content around this new information. But, how do we do that sincerely with our current global crisis?

The reality is, we should be injecting empathy and compassion in small doses where possible. From the way we’re engaging online, all the way to the type of content we share.

Start by considering these three questions:

  1. Is this content relevant to the current situation?
  2. How will this content educate, inspire, or entertain people right now?
  3. Would I want to see this type of content and engage with it today?

If you answered yes to all three questions, you know you’ve got a topic that will resonate with people. Share content in a similar way to what you did before – but instil a feeling of compassion where this makes sense.

For example, ask a question, reiterate that we’re all in this situation together, remind your audience that you care about them, etc.

Now is the time to share content that’s either going to help improve people’s lives or simplify the way they’re doing things.

You can create a single heartfelt piece of content that has nothing to do with your business – and you can share regular content that links back to the services or products you’re offering.

Schedule your content as you normally would – with your newfound insights and feedback. Keep asking questions over the next few months and tweak your content to reflect that. 

One last tip – don’t forget to be yourself and share some in-the-moment or behind-the-scenes content as well. This invites people into your world and helps create a comforting feeling of community.

In times of uncertainty, the best way to create and share content is to listen, be authentic, and keep it relevant. 

Would you like some extra support and encouragement for creating content right now? Join our S2M Passport – a virtual ecosystem where you can easily ask questions, collaborate with like-minded people and enjoy a sense of community, no matter where in the world you are.