

    So, my adventure is over. Kind of. Not actually. Better saying: one of the many parts of the adventure is over. I am happy to say that I am moving to the low lands! It is only normal that after a transformation experience we can’t go back to the point where we were before.

    From seeing society 3.0 through a curtain to actually live in it, there is no going back. We can come and go as we want, dance with it. The place I am right now is not only different in a geographic way. Millions of tourists visit The Netherlands per year and see totally different things from what I saw, the experience is all up to you.

    You can come to The Netherlands, stay only in Amsterdam, go to the Anne Frank house, go to museums, parks, do the Heinekein experience, smoke weed in coffee shops, take a walk – or a little bit more – at the red light district. The fact is there are a million of different Amsterdams, São Paulos, New Yorks or whatever place you are in.

    When you get somewhere, anywhere, you have the choice to just wave at it or be marked and leave your own mark. The first reaction when I tell people that I am moving to The Netherlands is “why?”, why go through such a big change? Well, isn’t that what is all about? Changing? I know that some people are not comfortable with it, but I have the strong believe that the problem is with word and not change itself. We change without even noticing it.

    The world change is perceived as something radical, when we should look at it as something natural. Even if you were born and die in the same house, had always the same friends and people around you, you still changed a lot. We grow, we age, the whole world around us changes and you are part of it. Changes don’t have to be drastic, but they are needed.

    The change I am doing might be seeing as brutal, but from where I stand it couldn’t be more natural. Of course I will miss Brazil, but hey, I can always go back and visit. When we realize and accept nothing is definitive things get easier.

    Society 3.0 is also about embracing change. People have to be flexible. Here I met people who are sharing, building, developing and working on something new constantly. One of today’s entrepreneur bible, The Lean Startup, preaches that companies have to be flexible. It is simple, launch whatever is it that you what to launch as a MVP – minimum viable product. If something is wrong, change it. This is what is applied in the silicon valley, and we should learn from it.

    So if you ask me why I am moving is not because my life in Brazil was bad (is actually quite the opposite) or because it is impossible to have a society 3.0 kind of life there – truth is you can find alternative business models everywhere in the world. The reason I am moving is because change is necessary in a macro and micro way. I am not saying that everybody has to leave everything behind and go to a new country, this is just what I had to do to improve. What do you have to do?

    Having that said, Brazil, good-bye and thank for all the fish. Netherlands, bring it on! See you here. And there. Hopefully everywhere.

    P.S.: Here is a little something about changing that might interest you.


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