S2M Update – the new way into the ecosystem


Seats2meet is a part of a huge ecosystem of locations offering workspaces and freelancers and entrepreneurs with exceptional skills and knowledge. Since its start, the S2M team works hands in hands with top-notch tech to make this ecosystem more dynamic and increase even more the exchange between all the professionals working in the S2M powered locations. We already work with an AI algorithm, also known as the serendipity machine, and we have the network section; there you can find questions from the ecosystem and a map showing all S2M locations, and even the ones our users recommend! But now, the Network page is getting an upgrade.

If there is one thing I learned or better saying, I am still learning with the S2M team is to keep looking at what you do in a critical way: “what can we do better?”. And so we did. With the objective of making the network page even more dynamic and interesting for all the S2M users, we are adding a few and great features, and one in special:

A new way into the ecosystem

S2M has repeatedly stated that what makes a space is not its hardware, as chairs or the color of the walls, but the people. With that in mind, we made it checking-in the S2M ecosystem as easy as possible.

“The next step in coworking”

Ronald van den hoff, co-founder of S2M

With the goal to keep creating relevant connections, we implemented the option of checking in at the S2M ecosystem even when you are not in an S2M location. After all, coworking means to work together, and in the last 10 years since the concept started growing, we saw that working doesn’t necessarily mean to be close to one another. We can see that clearly when looking at our questions section, where 877 questions have been asked, and 2336 answers has been given from people who were selected as a match for that specific answer with our AI algorithm, making all the answers from experts and extremely valuable.

The option of checking-in the ecosystem without being present in a location will give you the possibility to get matched to even more people in the ecosystem, connect, collaborate and grow! 🚀

See and connect with who is there

Going on the same line of thought of creating more and better connections, we made it possible for users to see not only the locations in the maps but also the people who check-in the ecosystem. In this way users can visualize the ecosystem as a whole; both the locations and people who make it dynamic.

You can, once you check-in, see those people skills and knowledge, and check what they are working on. You can also send them a message or request a meeting in order to get to know other coworkers and what is it that they are doing. Again, we want to make it as easy as possible for our users to get relevant connections who will ultimately empower you to transform into the best version of yourself, for yourself. That’s when the magic happens! ✨

Oh, and let’s not forget another very cool functionality; the moment you check-in or make a reservation you are going to be shown in the map for a few seconds, so other coworkers know you are in the house. See and be seen! 😉

Visualize what is happening within S2M worldwide

In the new Network page, you will also be able to visualize what is happening inside the ecosystem through numbers as:

  • The number of check-ins
  • The number of matches
  • The amount of questions asked
  • And the number of answers given to those questions
  • In how many countries you can find S2M locations
  • How many S2M locations are there

With that info, we wish to show everyone that the ecosystem doesn’t limit to the space they are in, but it goes way beyond. And you can always access it when in need of help or inspiration. 😊

More relevant location info

We made it easier for you to click on any location on the map. By clicking on them you will get practical information as their address, how many people are working there at that moment, e-mail, contact and a button that will lead you straight to booking a workspace or meeting room there. As easy as that. We really invested time in making it as user-friendly as possible. And we do know that meeting people in person will always be an essential part of human connections.


When is it going live?

You will be able to see the new Network section of Seats2meet early next week!


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