Project 333 – a way to the minimalistic wardrobe


Last week I wrote about the Minimalists and their recent documentary. In the documentary, there are awesome and different ways of becoming a minimalist. Their main philosophy is by living a life with less stuff and more meaning. The logic is simple, the less stuff you own, the less stuff you worry. And also the more time you have to enjoy the simple things that make you happy. Let’s also get something else clear; minimalism is not about money, is about in what you choose to spend it on.

In the documentary they interview tons of people with different initiatives, showing that minimalism comes in all shapes and sizes. One of which impacted me more than the others was project 333. Why did it impact me more? Because it is about clothing. And you probably don’t know this about me dear reader, but two years ago, if I had any money in my bank account I was going to spend it with either clothes or makeup. And this year, for a reason I am telling in another blog, I am saving as much money as I can, and I haven’t bought a single item of clothing or makeup. The coolest thing? I don’t miss it.

Ok, so let me tell you what project 333 is. The project was created by Courtney Carver back in 2010. She was digging into the minimalist lifestyle and directed her attention to the most chaotic part of her life: her closet. That’s when she created a fashion challenge that came to be Project 333. The challenge is simple; you can only wear 33 pieces of clothes for 3 months. You think that’s easy? Well, in those 33 pieces, you have to count accessories, jewelry, outwear clothes and shoes.

I loved the idea of the project because I have been doing it since January without knowing it had a name. I confess I didn’t count my clothes to see if it is 33 pieces, but I am certain it is close to that. What I like about it is that, when you have fewer pieces of clothes, you also optimize them. It helped me uncover my style, instead of buying whatever comes in the new Topshop and Forever 21 collections. It also helps me go away from fast fashion shops and invest more money in clothing that is better quality, will last longer, are usually better for the environment and socially responsible, and I will wear them for sure. It’s a win situation for everyone.

Beyond that, it makes it easier to build your perfect wardrobe, and that’s the challenge I am proposing myself. To create a budget knowing exactly which piece of clothing I am going to buy and saving money for that. So what is your perfect wardrobe? To see all the rule of the challenge go to Project 333 and share with us your experience. Or if you would like to know other ways to have a more minimalistic life, watch Minimalism on Netflix.


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