Perspective for absentees by S2M


Is education fun? In The Netherland there are about 20.000 students at home, students that are supposed to go to school and have no access to the education system for various reasons. They are not being taken care of. We, that is the Advice Center of Absentees (in Dutch: Adviescentrum voor Thuiszitters, ACT) feel the need to act on this to offer this group a new perspective. They really would like to learn, and of course they would love to get in touch with people their age. We help the parents of these children with advice and actions. That is why we have initiated ‘Holland’s GOT Talent’. The GOT stands for ‘Good Education for Absentees’ (in Dutch: Goed Onderwijs voor Thuiszitters). Children can follow workshops, realize their own learning goals and – if they want – get ready to get a diploma. This project only needs 5 ingredients:

  • Absentees
  • Parents of these children
  • Motivated teachers
  • A place to get together
  • An (online) learning environment

Great news: Seats2Meet will provide us with the physical space, for free! Next to that we have eyes on an interesting online learning environment, that will also be free, in exchange for testing this tool. We are talking real co-creation here!



Do you know or are you

  • an enthusiastic, parent with an absentee full of initiative?
  • a teacher who really wants to choose a different course?

please contact us to form a group like that.

Info at or 06 3867 9713

To understand more of what we do (in Dutch): click here