Explaining the concept of Seats2Meet Passport




Check out and learn more about the S2M Passport.

For those who not familiar with the concept yet, your Seats2Meet Passport is the entrance to your co-working world, the place where you manage all your data, get answers to your questions, and where you connect to people who fit with your interests and work. It’s all in your Seats2meet Passport.

Connect: get connected to the right people
Collaborate: post questions and always receive an answer
Grow: share your knowledge and create opportunity

The Seats2meet Passport is the place where the whole ecosystem comes together. Manage your offline bookings and connect to people relevant to you. Have a question? The AI algorithm matches you with the right experts who can help you and vice versa. Share your knowledge enable growth for yourself and others!

Watch the video below to get more insights on the Passport and don’t forget to get your own S2M Passport at https://passport.seats2meet.com