Lab 55: S2M for companies- usercase


Inhouse solution for companies

Lab 55 is a coworking space within the Achmea Headquarters in Apeldoorn, the Netherlands. By offering free coworking spaces and workshops, innovation from outside the company is brought indoors. By connecting the external knowledge and innovation to their own employees, new products and ideas are developed.
“With Lab 55 we want to create a platform where employees and coworkers come together and reinforce each other. This forces them to break loose of the fixed patterns and come up with innovative solutions.” -Silvia Onos, Programmamanager Klantbelang Centraal

Working in different environments with different people gives a different energy to employees. We noticed that our employees would come back to the office with a different kind of energy and enthusiasm whenever they had been working from a coworking location or for example at one of the start-ups that we support. We wanted to be able to facilitate this energy and enthusiasm within the walls of our own building and combine the best of both worlds.


Employees had already experienced working at . Their vast experience in building a platform where people can meet and co-create is what triggered us. Within a few months we went from finding the right partners to opening our doors to coworkers! Our other partner is CVJO Apeldoorn, who help starting entrepreneurs with their broad network, workshops and knowledge.

“By challenging employees and coworkers on both their field of work as intrinsic motivation, we strengthen their true potential”-Silvia Onos, Programmamanager Klantbelang Centraal


We are constantly looking for new partners to join Lab 55 in order to create a certain energy where employees of Achmea and coworkers can work together on multidisciplinary issues. We truly believe that bringing these two worlds together will bring the best to both worlds. The coworkers can help the employees with new insights and different methods of working what will have it’s impact on the rest of the organization. On the other hand the different experts of our divisions can help the coworkers with the forming- or increase of their own business and connect them to the right people in the industry.