How To – Check-in System


Users can book your workspace, but how can you know for sure they are there? Or how can users that just walked in your location without a booking check-in? For that, we have the S2M Check-in system.

Why use it

  • We ask each user what is their focus today. You can see that data in your location dashboard and use it to make more relevant events and connections. Also, the users will get better matches based on their daily focus.
  • Make new visitors become new users. When a new user gets in your location they can create a S2M profile in the check-in system, so you acquired a new user!
  • People going to meeting spaces can also check-in their meetings. This helps connecting the people in flexible workspaces with people in meeting spaces.

How To

  1. Order any tablet e.g. Ipad (You can also use the Check-in system on your laptop in your Google Chrome browser)
  2. Set up the Ipad in your reception and open the URL The password will be the ID of your location. e.g. if your location’s ID is 1 your password will be 00001. This is also being explained in your location management environment.

You can also use the check-in system in this applications on your tablet:

For Apple:
Download on your tablet: KIOSK PRO LITE

Settings page
– Content > Homepage:
– Timers > Idle Time Limit (seconds): 300

For Android:
Download on your tablet: FULLY KIOSK BROWSER

Quick start menu:
– URL:
When kiosk starts you can change or do other settings in the Settings menu (Swipe from left).

– Web Zoom and Scaling:
–> Enable zoom: No

– Web Auto Reload:
–> Auto Reload Idle: 300
–> Auto Reload on Screen On: Yes
–> Delete Cache on Auto Reload: Yes
–> Delete History on Auto Reload
–> Delete Cookies on Auto Reload

You can see the check-in system in action in the video below.


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