Brazilians use facebook to fight Education Inequality


Every end of the year in Brazil millions of students try their best to get into universities. The Brazilian process is very simple, but not very fair. Every University creates their own test, the amount of questions vary from 40 to 150 – which students have an average of 4 hours to reply. The best universities in Brazil are the public ones, USP (São Paulo University), is considered one of the best in the world. The university is totally for free, which is great. The not so great reality is that most of the students that get in are from the upper middle class.

Why does that happen? The public schools in Brazil are in constant crisis and there simply aren’t enough for all the kids, the infrastructure is usually old and a big part of the investment that government makes is not well managed, that is if it doesn’t end up in a totally different place. As a consequence a lot of people doesn’t have conditions to enter a good public university or college, not for lack of intelligence and talent, but because there is no access and no one to teach.

This year a lot of young people found on facebook and opportunity to help those who had some difficulties with studying to this test. Thousands of Brazilians shared posts like the one below which says “everyone who will take the ENEM test and other vestibulares (college test), I am at your disposal to help with the following subjects: portuguese, english, literature and essay writing. (…) For university for everyone!”

In that way anyone can ask them via inbox their doubts about particular subjects. In that way the test that government and the private education institutions impose the students gets fairer in an easy way. Society 3.0 FTW!


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