7 Simple Ways to Practice Mindfulness When Working from Home


Businesses have opted to practice remote working due to the current pandemic.

But while it keeps the economy afloat, working from can be challenging. Luckily, practicing mindfulness can help you get through the stress of being productive while at home.

Also known as “mindful productivity,” it is a moment-to-moment awareness of what is happening to us and our surroundings. It also allows us to practice self-compassion, especially in these challenging times.

This prevents us from judging ourselves. Instead, we learn to respond wisely to stimuli that affect our productivity.

Keep on reading to learn eight practical Mindfulness tips while working from home.

Stick to a Routine

There is no denying that working from home can get you off-guard. This is where building a routine could come in handy.

It gives you a sense of rhythm, which can be comforting.

Keep in mind that your daily routine can also affect the quality of your sleep. And we all know that the quality of your sleep can affect your productivity.

Nonetheless, we advise that you make your routine flexible. Add break times and set boundaries between personal time and work time.

Have a Conducive Environment

Your environment can affect your work-from-home productivity. That’s why before you start working, it would help prep your space.

A straightforward way to do that is to make your bed as soon as you wake up. As Navy Seal Admiral William H. McRaven puts it, making your bed means you can accomplish the first task of the day. This puts you in the right mindset to be productive.

Another way to make inner harmony in your workspace is by throwing the curtains open. This allows natural light to come in, which can help boost your concentration.

Be Gentle on Yourself

According to a 2017 United Nations study, people who work from home report higher levels of stress. That’s because remote employees face more challenges, such as the blurring line between work time and personal time.

This explains why having a healthy distraction could come in handy.

When you are feeling overwhelmed, take a pause, and do any of the following:

  1. Checking with your colleagues
  2. Taking a 30-minute walk
  3. Listening to music or podcast
  4. Doing seated yoga poses
  5. Practicing mindful breathing

Exercise and Stretch

Don’t you know that movement can also benefit your mental well-being?

Your exercise routine doesn’t have to be fancy, though. Practicing seated yoga for at least five minutes will be enough. You can also do stretching exercises that can help ease muscle tension.

Going up and down the stairs can help your heart pumping. It also helps the brain to release happy hormones. And when you are happy, the more confident you are that you can finish a task. Thus, making you productive.

The key here is to find something that can help you relax in-between stressful moments.

Take a Breathe

Aside from making minute movement, slowing down your breathing can help calm your mind and body.

Here’s how you can do it:

  1. Find a comfortable place to sit
  2. Rest your hands on your knees, palms facing upwards
  3. Open your hands fully when breathing in
  4. Close your fist gently when breathing out

The key here is to focus on your breathing. If you find it challenging to do so, concentrate on the movement of your hands.

This breathing exercise allows you to slow down your breathing. As a result, you can distract yourself from unhelpful and overwhelming thoughts.

Set Time to Socialize

Due to the pandemic, the Center for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) advises physical distancing. But that does not mean that you should neglect your family, friends, and colleagues.

That said, it is essential to set off some time to socialize.

A great example would be having virtual coffee sessions with your friends. Set a time to have a video call and catch up with each other over coffee.

You can also opt to have an online workout or yoga session with your friends. That way, you can stay physically fit and healthy together.

Another example is to host an online cooking show. You can either show how you cook your specialty or let them follow what you are doing.

This kind of activity allows you to have something to look forward too.

Do Not Multitask

You might think that multitasking can help you finish a lot. However, our brains are not wired to focus on many things at a time.

In fact, multitasking can lead to a drop in productivity.

Here’s the thing: Doing a lot of things at the same time over-stimulates your brain. That’s because you tend to shift from one task to another without taking a break.

As a result, multitasking becomes overwhelming. And when you feel as such, you feel less confident that you can accomplish your tasks. When that happens, you are less motivated to work.

To prevent yourself from multitasking, it is best to break down large tasks. And then work on them based on priority or urgency.

Mindfulness and Your Well-being

Mindfulness reminds us that we are not our thoughts and emotions. Nonetheless, we can choose how to respond to it.

That’s why we need to step up so that our emotions are unable to push us around. Otherwise, we overwork our brains into thinking about completing our tasks.

If you find it stressful to work from home, know that there are mindfulness practices that you can do to overcome such a challenge.

About the Author:

Raymond Chiu is the Director of Operations for Maid Sailors Office Cleaning Service NYC. Maid Sailors offers its customers unrivaled office cleaning services that can address even the toughest cleaning needs. Matched with affordable prices, Maid Sailors is your best partner in helping you turn your office into a work-friendly workplace.